Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Because Facts aren't Always What You Want to Hear

Today, I learned from Carla Con that there is no cure for cancer. Yes, this comes from the MBB girl who got an award for her research involving a cancer cell tracker (correct me if I'm wrong). Sadly, this dreadful disease can't be cured because each type of cancer, even when afflicting the same organ, is unique. Thus, for every cancer there must also be a unique cure. Not very realistic. Even then, the treatment can also target a limited number of cells. Even if the majority is eliminated, leaving one percent is more than enough to bring about its eventual return. When I asked why it haa become more common, I got a straight and simple answer: environment.

So yes, there is no cure. Still, we can at least improve our odds. We will all suffer from our eventual demise, but we can also live now. Yes,I know it's become a corny cliche,but it's something we still forget. I know I still have to remind myself. Probably wouldn't hurt to make some lifestyle changes too. Or so I say now. :p

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