Friday, October 4, 2013

Third Sem, Check

Today marks the end of my third semester teaching Psychology, and it is also fitting that we are celebrating Teachers' Day. While I dread the arduous task of checking exams, papers, and exams facing me over the next two weeks, the last day of classes has also reminded me of why I am pursuing this career path. As I ended my Psych 101 classes, I had students thanking me for the semester we had together, and even had a few suddenly giving me hugs before they left the room. Throughout the sem, I could feel them opening up to me little by little, and wanted to believe that I was making an impact on them, both with the content and approach of my classes. But more than that, I realized today that I got through to them because I did my best to show that I cared. Gestures like making comments on reflection papers, bringing food on the last day of class, and talking to students in "danger" mean so much to them, and I didn't even realize that because they seemed like the standard when I was an undergrad. I'm so fortunate to have such awesome role models in my former professors, who are also now my colleagues. I may not have mastered the art balancing comprehensive and relevant content with student-centered activities within the very limited period of one semester, but at least I know I'm doing some things right.

My Psych 101 classes in Ateneo and UP. Spot the teacher.

The last day of my Psych 140 class, Principles of Learning was a little different. Here, my students shared their Service Learning experiences and in the process, made me feel that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. By assigning this project to them, I did not only facilitate my students' learning of the principles relevant to our class, but also inspired them to share their learning with others as well. It was really something else to see my students so excited and genuinely involved in a school project. In fact, when I was asking for their feedback, they said that they would have wanted to have more service hours. I never thought I would hear students requesting for more work, but they actually did. And in that moment, as I saw them share their experiences, I realized the whole point of why I became a teacher.

My Psych 140 class

Yes, teaching gives me a perfect opportunity to geek out and share my excitement about the wonderful field of Psychology. But more than that, it's a chance to influence students to step out of their comfort zones and care about the world beyond their own. Initially, I thought that I wanted to teach because I wanted to make an impact on my students' lives. I thought that was enough. But there is a much greater opportunity than that. In teaching, one gets a chance to make ripples that can go well beyond the students within one's class. Stirring ideas is only the first step. We can go further by providing venues for action, which hopefully will continue even beyond the semester. By teaching students to care, we can make sure that their learning lasts longer and reaches farther.

One and a half years into the job, I can say that I'm starting to get the hang of teaching. There's still much to improve, but I have a better idea of what needs to be done. Having recently concluded my MA, I'm now moving on to bigger responsibilities as a real academic. Next sem, it'll be all about gaining stability, as I begin my stint as full time faculty in UP. While it's kind of terrifying to realize that this is where I intend to be for the rest of my working life, there's also a sense of peace in knowing that I am right where I belong.