My lola, the teacher and also a big PBA fan
Of course, it's quite presumptuous of me to think that I would make a similar impact on my students. I've really only begun teaching, and there's still so much to learn. Reaching that level is probably more of a work in progress at this point. I'm just glad to see some marked improvement in my students' performance in their second exam, though I've still got quite a handful who seem not to understand the subject matter. That, or they don't care enough to try harder. I suppose this would be my challenge to myself - to make my students care more, and make them realize that Psych 101 is not just another class that they have to pass. I always tell my students in their essays and reflection papers to dig deeper. Perhaps this is also something that I have to do to make my classes more relevant to them. I guess another challenge would be knowing how high I have to set my expectations. No matter how hard I try, not all students will do well. Individual differences do exist, and my assessment tools wouldn't be very effective if all of my students performed excellently. Still, it won't hurt to keep trying. Maybe I'l also receive a call from one of my students 70 years from now, if they haven't given me a heart attack by then.
Yes, I'm trying to start writing more often again. Certain conversations in Cebu have built up the difficulties that lie ahead in working on my thesis, the biggest hurdle being the writing part. So I'm trying to maximize this blog to sharpen my rusty writing skills with the hope that it might make this task even just a bit easier.
* Calling on the other half of this blog team to join me again here.